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Meccano in the media

This page details the following Meccano related items in the media:

* 2005 - United Kingdom television
* 2004 - New Zealand television

United Kingdom : 2005

Meccano Advertisement features in "The 100 Best Adverts" programme

Roland Jaggard noted to Spanner that the programme "The 100 Best Adverts" had featured a 1970's Meccano Ad
- though it had been interrupted by a somewhat sarcastic presenter.
Courtesy of Roland Jaggard, here is an edited copy of that ad (with the presenter edited out!).

2,571,040 bytes - (00:39) Windows Media File

New Zealand : 2004

Meccano Advertising on Television

In 2004, Meccano ran a series of ads on commercial television in New Zealand.
The two proposed ads are included below, if anyone is interested in viewing them.
For those not on broadband internet connections, please note the file sizes!

2,059,544 bytes - (00:20) MOV file
1,980,088 bytes - (00:10) MOV file

Several New Zealand Spanners noted that the ads they actually saw on television were not the same as the above versions,
which were distributed by Andrew Wells of Meccparts prior to the start date of the tv ad campaign.
The below links are for the version actually aired on New Zealand television.
These are as recorded from the television, and made available courtesy of Peter McGavin.

481,138 bytes - (00:14) Windows Media file
4,813,004 bytes - (00:15) MPEG file